
The Idiot Gardener is a platform for both learning and teaching. You know what they say – if you can’t explain it, you don’t know enough about it. For this reason, we encourage anyone who has something to contribute to join our pool of contributors. Engage in the comments and share your insights.

The Idiot Gardener is an effective venue to share your experience and expertise in various topics. You can tell us more about what you know about expert gardening tips, proper practices when beekeeping or raising animals and livestock, and even meal prep, recipes, and food preservation.

Since we aim to create a community for resourcefulness, we want to invite the growers and the survivalists. We are in awe of people who practice off-the-grid lifestyles with self-sufficient livelihoods. If you know foraging, frugality, crafting, or woodworking, feel free to contact us. We welcome anyone who makes an honest and eco-friendly living and wants to share the experience with others.

Join us in our quest for self-sufficiency and sustainability. Tell us your story, and together, we can learn the ways to live a better life.