Equipment Reviews

5 Best Moisture Meters to Detect Leaks

Leakages can easily damage your property as much as the next inconvenience. So it’s important that you can nip the problem in the bud before it gets worse. That is why we recommend using only top-grade moisture meters for our outdoor structures, workshops, and greenhouses.

What Is a Moisture Meter?

A moisture meter is a smart instrument used in both construction, engineering, and building evaluation. It is used to detect the amount of moisture on surfaces and materials. This tool is essential since it can help you identify areas that may pose a potential risk or are already damaged due to moisture build-up.

Why Do I Need a Moisture Meter for My Garden?

If you have a greenhouse or an indoor garden set-up, a moisture meter is an essential device to have around. That is because your garden needs to have well-monitored temperatures, humidity, and conditions to keep the plants healthy.

A moisture meter is also an effective tool to help you prevent the growth of fungi or pest infestation. It can also be efficient in tracking certain areas of the structure that are starting to buildup moisture.

The Best Moisture Meters to Detect Leaks

As always, finding the best moisture meter can be quite challenging. Therefore, we recommend that you invest in brands that have made a name over the years. To help you make the right selection, we have provided a review of the best moisture meters on the market.

1. KLEIN TOOLS Pinless Moisture Meter

This moisture meter from Klein tools is an efficient companion for detecting moisture in wood, masonry, and drywall. Thus, it gives you value for your money. In addition, it can check the content up to ¾ inch depth, so this proved beneficial for your greenhouse and garden.

It is designed with pinless electromagnetic field (EMF) technology that ensures quick and non-destruction moisture detection. Other great features include a low battery indicator, rubberized mode and hold buttons, auto-power saving function, and a 9V battery.


  • It comes with a clear and visible numerical display
  • The moisture range is indicated by nine LED bars
  • The device is built with a shockproof construction
  • Pinless design
  • Easy-to-view LCD screen


  • This is not the most accurate detector when it comes to wooden surfaces.
  • Should be placed on a flat surface for accurate reading

2. Protimeter Surveymaster Dual Moisture Meter

When it comes to detecting moisture content in rugged construction, this is the equipment for you. The Protimeter Surveymaster is among the professional’s favorites since it can easily detect sub-surface moisture as well.

While this can come in handy in your greenhouse, it can also help you if you delve into construction or handle the maintenance of your own home yourself. This is because it has a non-invasive mode that lets it reach up to ¾ inch while the sharp steels can measure up to .4 inches for hardwood or softwood.


  • Performs non-invasive scanning
  • Large backlit display
  • Ideal for professional and DIY contractors
  • Monitors any changes in the detected moisture content.
  • Pinless design


  • The product may come off as too expensive for most users.
  • Not ideal for thick concrete

3. SAM PRO 2.0 Dual Moisture Meter

When it comes to detecting moisture content and tracking mold sources, this moisture meter from Sam Pro can come in handy. Crafted with professional-grade and high-quality material, this device is set with material modes.

This meter is highly versatile as it can measure over 100 materials. It is designed with a measuring bar to indicate high and low moisture. Plus, it can tell you whether the moisture content readings are low, medium, or high.


  • Accurate readings
  • Highly versatile
  • Provides Fahrenheit and Celsius readings
  • Easy-to-read display
  • Easy to hold and grip for use
  • Determines areas of mold build-up


  • Not ideal for extra thick hardwood

4. GENERAL TOOLS Digital Moisture Meter

This moisture meter is easy to use and a staple for mold prevention. It is also an essential device to use for your garden structures, especially your greenhouse. This digital moisture meter from General Tools comes with a readable backlit display and material selection mode for a more accurate moisture reading.

It displays the moisture content readings in low, medium, or high percentages. Overall, it is a versatile meter that can detect moisture in building materials, hardwood, or softwood.


  • The cap of the pen also works as the calibration checker of the meter
  • Automatically shuts off when not in use
  • Viewing of data is made easier with a feature that allows the user to freeze the screen.
  • Highly affordable
  • Great accuracy


  • The device may not work as well with hardwoods as it would in softwoods.
  • Calibrations values may have discrepancies upon displayed
  • Sharp pins are not ideal for delicate materials

5. TAVOOL Pinless Moisture Meter

Versatile and accurate, this moisture meter is highly recommended if you have a lot of wood to work with. This moisture meter from Tavool isn’t only able to detect moisture. In fact, it can also aid in analyzing temperatures.

It has a large backlit screen and can be used with ease in the dark. It also has a memory function, automatic calibration, automatic sensor, 9V battery, and more.


  • Bright green backlit screen
  • It comes with a memory function
  • Includes automatic sensors and calibration.
  • Lightweight design with multiple modes


  • Doesn’t display for a longer time.
  • It doesn’t come with a case.

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